Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This weekend we went up to Lagoon with my family. It was so fun to have all of us together! We left Saturday morning at 6 am and drove to Lagoon, Jaylee was sick and threw up most of the way. Her stomach finally settled and she slept the rest of the time in the car. When we got to Lagoon I thought for sure it was going to be a bad day, I was afraid Jaylee was going to be upset all day but she was awesome! She napped most of the day and just chilled in the stroller. Sheridyn thoroughly loved all the rides and Lagoona Beach. James and I took our first ride on "Wicked" and it was crazy! It goes straight up and then straight down and then around and around! It was pretty fun, I love roller coasters! Anyways after a fun long day at Lagoon we decided to go eat at a Chinese restaurant. The girls were both so exhausted they fell asleep in the car on the way there. So we carried them in and they both sleep through dinner. I don't think I've ever seen Sheridyn do something like that. Then we stayed the night at a hotel and woke up that morning and went swimming at the pool and went to the mall. I'm so excited we got new cell phones, James got a Droid 2 and I got the LG Ally. We are both liking them but still going through the learning curve of the smart phones! They are great when you can figure out what buttons to push!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jaylee's B-day Party

Jaylee's One Year Minnie Mouse Birthday Party!

Jaylee turned one this week and we had family and friends over for a fun Minnie Mouse themed party. We made a cute red/white polka dot cake and everyone wore Mickey and Minnie ears. We played a relay game where we split into 3 teams and had a competition to see what team could do "baby" things the fastest. The first person had to crawl across the lawn to pick up a sippy cup and teddy grahams and the next person had to eat and drink it as fast as they could. Then the third person had to do the "stink bug" crawl to pick up different toys that the next person had to put together then the last person wrapped up a little girl in a blanket and ran to the finish line holding her. It was pretty fun everyone was laughing. We ate pizza and cake. It was a lot of fun. Jaylee was so good the whole night and she looked so cute as a little Minnie Mouse. She got tons of cute clothes and toys and she we got her a cute Minnie Mouse chair. I still can't believe my baby is one! This year has went by so fast. She is the sweetest baby.