Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Mother. I just wanted to say a little bit about how much my Mom means to me. My Mom is a perfect example of the mother I want to be to my kids. She is so selfless, she would do anything for her children. She will also do anything for my Dad, her friends and ward members. She has a beautiful testimony of the Jesus Christ and truly follows his example. Now that I am a Mom I am starting to realize just how much she has really done for me. She is always there for me if I need help with the girls and she is always more than happy to watch them for me. Sheridyn adores her and you can already tell that she is one of Jaylee's favorite people. I am so happy my kids have such a wonderful Grandma that loves to spend time with them and love them. She is the perfect shopping partner, my favorite person to talk to about anything, my coke buddy and even my friends love her and love to hang out with her. I am so lucky to call my mom my best friend, I really don't know what I would do without her. Thank you Mom!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Thank you Britt! You are so sweet. I love you and your family more than you'll ever know. A Mom couldn't ask for a better daughter and be more proud of her. I love to watch you be the beautiful mother that you are. Thank you for being my daughter and letting me be a part of your life everyday!