Monday, February 17, 2020

First Day of Preschool

Sheridyn started Preschool yesterday! She was sooo excited. She has the cutest teacher and they read the "Kissing Hand" story. She put a little heart stamp on their hands and told them if they kiss the heart it will go right to their mommy. Then if they put the heart on their cheek it was their mom giving them a kiss. Well Sheridyn had red heart smudges all over her cheek so she must have needed lots of kisses! They baked cookies in the shape of hands and put hershey's kisses in the middle of them. It was so much fun she loved all of it. Jaylee and I on the other hand missed her a lot. We went grocery shopping and did some errands around town to try to keep our minds off of it. I was a little teary watching her go, she is growing up way to fast! I want to keep her home in our little bubble, but I know she is ready to start school :(

These are so fun pictures I took of them on Labor day.

1 comment:

Lori said...

oh I wish I would have been here for that first day of pre-school. I still remember your first day of Kindergarten. I walked home from the bus stop crying my head off and did until the bus brought you back home! I still wish sometimes that I had you home in my protective bubble but then I wouldn't have those beautiful grand-babies!