Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Decorating

Every year my work has a pumpkin decorating contest. So this year we made a beaded pumpkin with cute little beaded spiders. Sheridyn loved putting beads on the wires, she sat there for over an hour doing it. I was pretty impressed that she could put the little hole on the bead through the wire. She has some awesome fine motor skills. I tried to get my 4-5 year olds in my primary class to bead bracelets once and some of them couldn't even do it. She loves to do little detailed things like that though.


The Bates said...

That is so creative I love it!

Angela (Turner) Howland said...

Wow, that's awesome! I've never seen a pumpkin decorated like THAT! Bet it was fun to do!

The Andersens said...

so cute!! you are so crafty... Sheridan is such a doll, that is some great fine motor skills! :)


wow thats so cool. I have never seen a pumpkin like that before and I'm glad Sheridan loved it so much thats so fun. We are going to paint pumpkins and put stickers on them this year instead of carving Jordan is still a little too young to carve.